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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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live in Narnia or go to school at Hogwarts?
Good Choice!
Have Your Mom Pick You Up From School In Her Bathrobe Or Have Homework Every Day For Two Weeks?
Good Choice!
Wear Clown Makeup Every Day For A Year Or A Tutu Every Day For A Year?
Good Choice!
Always Talk In Rhyme Or Sing When You Speak?
Good Choice!
Have Your Grandmother’s Hairstyle Or First Name?
Good Choice!
Have A Pig Nose Or Monkey Face?
Good Choice!
Have A Horses Tail Or A Unicorn Horn?
Good Choice!
Eat A Can Of Cat Food Or Two Rotten Tomatoes?
Good Choice!
Sneeze Cheese Or Have Your Tears Be Chocolate Flavored?
Good Choice!
Lick The Bottom Of Your Shoe Or Eat Your Boogers?
Good Choice!
go on a camping vacation on the moon or a beach vacation on a newly discovered planet?
Good Choice!
have a koala or a panda bear for a pet?
Good Choice!
be able to slide down rainbows or jump on the clouds?
Good Choice!
make your dreams come true or make other people’s dreams come true?
Good Choice!
be able to speak every language on earth or communicate with aliens?
Good Choice!
live in a zoo or in an aquarium?
Good Choice!
be a celebrity or be a doctor?
Good Choice!
have the power to heal or the power to fly?
Good Choice!
smell bad or have walrus teeth?
Good Choice!
swim in pudding or ice cream?
Good Choice!
have hair made or snakes or hair made of caterpillars?
Good Choice!
ride a farting horse or kiss a burping dog?
Good Choice!
burp or fart all of the time?
Good Choice!
eyes all around your head or noses?
Good Choice!
smell like rotten eggs or sour milk all the time?
Good Choice!
have four arms or four legs?
Good Choice!
only be able to get around by bouncing like a kangaroo or leaping like a ballerina?
Good Choice!
be tickled by a vampire or licked by a werewolf every single day?
Good Choice!
have no homework or no tests?
Good Choice!
pancakes every day for breakfast or pizza every day for dinner?
Good Choice!
be able to see new colors that no other people could see or be able to hear things that no other humans can hear?
Good Choice!
have a house with trampoline floors or a house with aquarium floors?
Good Choice!
have a room with whiteboard walls that you can draw on or a room where the whole ceiling is one big skylight?
Good Choice!
lay in a bathtub filled with worms for 5 minutes or lay in a bathtub filled with beetles that don’t bite for 5 minutes?
Good Choice!
eat a turkey sandwich with vanilla ice cream inside or eat vanilla ice cream with bits of turkey inside?
Good Choice!
get every Lego set that comes out for free or every new video game system that comes out for free?
Good Choice!
be able to talk to dogs or cats?
Good Choice!
have 10 mosquito bites or 1 bee sting?
Good Choice!
ride a bike or ride a kick scooter?
Good Choice!
be a babysitter or a dog sitter?
Good Choice!
drive a police car or an ambulance?
Good Choice!
be an athlete in the Summer Olympics or the Winter Olympics?
Good Choice!
live in a house where all the walls were made of glass or live in an underground house?
Good Choice!
be able to speak any language but not be able to read in any of them or read any language but not be able to speak any of them?
Good Choice!
be able to move wires around with your mind or be able to turn any carpeted floor into a six-foot deep pool of water?
Good Choice!
have a cupcake or a piece of cake?
Good Choice!
have super strength or super speed?
Good Choice!
have an amazing tree house with slides and three rooms or an amazing entertainment system with a huge TV and every game console?
Good Choice!
eat one live nonpoisonous spider or have fifty nonpoisonous spiders crawl on you all at once?
Good Choice!
eat broccoli flavored ice cream or meat flavored cookies?
Good Choice!
play outdoors or indoors?
Good Choice!
have an elephant-sized cat or a cat-sized elephant?
Good Choice!
eat an apple or an orange?
Good Choice!
have eyes that change color depending on your mood or hair that changes color depending on the temperature?
Good Choice!
eat a bowl of spaghetti noodles without sauce or a bowl of spaghetti sauce without noodles?
Good Choice!
never have any homework or be paid 10$ per hour for doing your homework?
Good Choice!
have a personal life-sized robot or a jetpack?
Good Choice!
eat a whole raw onion or a whole lemon?
Good Choice!
be able to move silently or have an incredibly loud and scary voice?
Good Choice!
be able to shrink down to the size of an ant any time you wanted to or be able to grow to the size of a two-story building anytime you wanted to?
Good Choice!
have a special room you could fill with as many bubbles as you want, anytime you want or have a slide that goes from your roof to the ground?
Good Choice!
have a tail that can’t grab things or wings that can’t fly?
Good Choice!
be able to remember everything you’ve ever seen or heard or be able to perfectly imitate any voice you heard?
Good Choice!
have a new silly hat appear in your closet every morning or a new pair of shoes appear in your closet once a week?
Good Choice!
be able to control fire or water?
Good Choice!
have ninja-like skills or have amazing coding skills in any language?
Good Choice!
everything in your house be one color or every single wall and door be a different color?
Good Choice!
have a magic carpet that flies or a see-through submarine?
Good Choice!
have your room redecorated however you want or ten toys of your choice (can be any price)?
Good Choice!
live in a place with a lot of trees or live in a place near the ocean?
Good Choice!
live in a house shaped like a circle or a house shaped like a triangle?
Good Choice!
be the author of a popular book or a musician in a band who released a popular album?
Good Choice!
be really good at math or really good at sports?
Good Choice!
have the chance to design a new toy or create a new TV show?
Good Choice!
randomly turn into a frog for a day once a month or randomly turn into a bird for a day once every week?
Good Choice!
be able to type/text very fast or be able to read really quickly?
Good Choice!
be able to jump as far as a kangaroo or hold your breath as long as a whale?
Good Choice!
own an old-timey pirate ship and crew or a private jet with a pilot and infinite fuel?
Good Choice!
be an incredibly fast swimmer or an incredibly fast runner?
Good Choice!
be able to see things that are very far away, like binoculars or be able to see things very close up, like a microscope?
Good Choice!
start a colony on another planet or be the leader of a small country on Earth?
Good Choice!
only be able to walk on all fours or only be able to walk sideways like a crab?
Good Choice!
be able to create a new holiday or create a new sport?
Good Choice!
it be warm and raining or cold and snowing today?
Good Choice!
see a firework display or a circus performance?
Good Choice!
be able to do flips and backflips or break dance?
Good Choice!
do school work as a group or by yourself?
Good Choice!
be a famous inventor or a famous writer?
Good Choice!
brush your teeth with soap or drink sour milk?
Good Choice!
sail a boat or ride in a hang glider?
Good Choice!
be a wizard or a superhero?
Good Choice!
be a master at drawing or be an amazing singer?
Good Choice!
have a full suit of armor or a horse?
Good Choice!
become five years older or two years younger?
Good Choice!
be incredibly funny or incredibly smart?
Good Choice!
play hide and seek or dodgeball?
Good Choice!
dance or sing?
Good Choice!
fly a kite or swing on a swing?
Good Choice!
go skiiing or go to a water park?
Good Choice!
be a detective or a pilot?
Good Choice!