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Counseling Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is diversity and why does it make our world a better place?
Everyone is unique and our differences make the world special.
What is self esteem?
loving yourself
If someone is mad because they had a bad night at home, what is an empathetic response?
"I see you're upset, I'm here if you want to talk about it."
If someone is crying because their pet died, what is an empathetic response?
"I'm sorry your pet died, that must be hard.'
What is assertive communication?
Communicating in a calm, confident way
Name the 3 types of communication.
Aggressive, Assertive, Passive
Explain why it's important to "stand in someone else's shoes?"
to understand how others are feeling and their perspective
"Before you speak, Think and Be Smart, Its Hard to _______ a wrinkled _____"
"It's Hard to Heal a Wrinkled Heart"
What is empathy? Why is it important in friendships?
Feeling and understanding how others feel.
Name a mindful activity from Mindful Mondays or 12 Days of Mindfulness.
Deep breathing, yoga, grounding, affirmations
What is the format of an I-message?
I feel __________ when you__________.
In September, what was the message of "Start with Hello Week?"
Say hi to start a friendly conversation. Include others.
What is the difference between Bullying and Normal Peer Conflict?
Power imbalance, repeated, intentional
List 3 ways you can respond to conflict / problems
Ignore, Walk Away, I-message, Compromise
What does it mean to compromise when you are resolving conflict?
Win/ Win, Meet in the middle
Give an example of a positive affirmation. How is this helpful?
answers will vary
Explain what happens in your brain when you "flip your lid"
Show hand model (thinking part- prefrontal cortex vs feeling part- amygdala)
Name a feeling in the Blue Zone
sad, tired, hungry
Name 1 coping strategy
answers will vary