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What part of Shakira’s body doesn’t lie?
Who sings Hello?
What is the name of Beyonce’s aggressive onstage alter ego?
Sasha Fierce
What comes before “...Baby One More Time?”
Hit me
Which country is Gangnam Style from?
South Korea
In which video does Michael Jackson play a zombie?
Who sings Call Me Maybe?
Carly Rae Jepsen
Complete the Mark Ronson song title: Uptown...
What hit by Rihanna featured a music video where Rihanna dresses up as a French maid?
Which female singer released “Rolling in the Deep?”
What singer wrote and performed the song “Mean”?
Taylor Swift
Who sings the song “Bills, Bills, Bills”?
Destiny’s Child
The 2017 album “DAMN.” was released by which artist?
Kendrick Lamar
Justin Timberlake started his career as a member of what band?
Who is referred to as the Queen of Pop?
Lady Gaga derived her stage name from a song performed by which band?
Which contemporary pop singer has a tattoo of Jesus Christ on one of his calves?
Justin Bieber
What male vocalist sings “Drop It Like It’s Hot”?
Snoop Dogg/Pharell Williams
Who sang a duet with Ed Sheeran on the song “Perfect”?
Which Pink Floyd album features a prism on the cover?
Dark Side Of The Moon
Where is Kanye West from?
Chicago, IL
What is the name of Eminem's alter ego?
Slim Shady is the evil and mischievous side of Eminem.
How many notes are included in a chromatic scale?
A chromatic scale includes all twelve notes of an octave.
What did Freddie Mercury attribute his enhanced vocal range to?
Mercury was born with four extra teeth and attributed his enhanced vocal range to this.
Which rapper is famous for wearing parachute pants?
MC Hammer became synonymous with the flashy pants--billowy trousers that droop in the crotch and taper to the lower leg.
What singer holds the world record for most words in a hit single?
Eminem with "Rap God".
What pop singer is known as "The Material Girl"?