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M3 Finals Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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tan theta =
opposite / adjacent
cos theta =
adjacent / hypotenuse
sin theta =
opposite / hypotenuse
what is the longest side of a triangle called?
what is the formula of Pythagorean Theorem?
a squared + b squared = c squared
what does the Greek word trigonon mean?
4/3 pi r cube is the formula for finding what?
volume of a pyramid
What is the surface area of a sphere that has a radius of 3 cm
113.04 cm cube
4 pi r squared is the formula for finding what?
surface area of a sphere
How do we find the volume of a cone?
pi r squared * h / 3
What is the surface area of a cone that has a slant height of 7cm and a radius of 5cm?
188.5cm squared
What is the formula for finding the surface area of a cone?
pi r squared + pi r s
What is the volume of a pyramid that has a height of 7cm and a base of 8cm
149.33 cm cube
What is the volume of a pyramid?
Area of base * height of pyramid / 3
What is the total surface area of a pyramid that has a base of 8 ft and a slant height of 16 ft?
256 ft Squared
What is the formula for finding the total surface area of a pyramid?
TSA = Area of Base + Area of all triangle
What is the formula for Area of a Triangle of a PYRAMID
(b * h / 2) * 4
What is the formula for finding the area of the base?
b^2 or b * b