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Prehistory and Ancient Times revision for Unit t ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The weather in India:
List some ancient Chinese inventions:
paper, silk, gunpowder, compass
Ancient indians believed in .................... (rebirth of the soul).
The 2 rivers in China:
Yellow River, Blue River
The parts of the Bible:
Old Testament, New Testament
A religion with 1 God:
A religion with more gods:
The chief god in ancient Egypt:
What would Egypt be like without the Nile?
A dry desert.
What was the centre of Mesopotamia at the time of Hammurabi?
How do we call Hammurabi's set of laws?
The Code of Hammurabi
The pyramid was the ___________ of the pharaoh.
What is the name of the ancient egyptian writing?
Who were at the bottom of ancient egyptian society?
the slaves
Who was at the top of ancient egyptian society?
the pharaoh
Why did sumerians build very high ziggurats?
to be closer to the gods
What is the name of the Mesopotamian writing system?
What does the word 'Mesopotamia' mean?
land between rivers
What were the first jobs?
pottery, smith, weaving, shepherd
Where is the cave of Lasxaux?
in France
Where is the cave of Altamira?
in Spain
Who were the shamans?
Spiritual leaders, communicated with magical spirits.
What were the first domesticated animals?
dog, goat, cattle, sheep
What does it mean that humans became erect?
They could walk on 2 legs, had a straight body.
What is the division of labour?
Humans divided work, everyone had a task.
Why was fire important for early humans?
because it gave light and heat
What did old people do in Prehistoric times?
They watched the fire.
What did women and children do in Prehistoric times?
They gathered food.
What did men do in Prehistoric times?
hunting, fishing
How did early humans catch animals?
they chased them and set traps
What was the first hand-made tool?
the hand axe
What do we call Africa?
the cradle of civilisation
Who was Lucy?
An early human from Africa.
Which century is it now?
21st century
What do we call a 10 years period?
A decade
What do we call a 100 years?
A century
What are the periods of history? (in order)
Prehistory/Ancient Times/Middle Ages/Modern Times/The Present
What is history?
The past of the people and the world around us.
What is an excavation site?
Where archaeologists work to uncover the sources of history.
Who are archaeologists?
They dig up old objects from underground.
What are the unwritten sources?
objects, buildings, traditions
What are the written sources?
books, newspapers etc. (anything you can read)
What are the sources of history?
Anything that has been left behind from the past and gives us information about it.