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Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
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It's always (fascinate) to find out about other people jobs.
Some people post really mean comments online. They can be pretty (scare).
It's (disappoint) when friends don't keep in touch. But it happens.
It's always (excite) to see my friends. Not one of them is (bore).
excited / boring
I'm always really (shock) when friends get into fights with each other.
My parents are very (please) that I have nice friends. I think parents get (worry) about things like that.
pleased / worried
I get really (annoy) when people say they'll meet me and then they're half an hour late. It's (surprise) how selfish people can be.
annoyed / surprising
I hate it when I'm out with a group of friends and we can't decide what to do. It can be incredibly (frustrate). I guess we're all (interest) in different things.
frustrating / interested
All of my friends think golf is interested/interesting to watch. I have no idea why.
I think documentaries about space are really fascinated/fascinating.
We went to a huge roller coaster last weekend. It was really scared/scary.
My sister forgot my birthday. I was shocked/shocking.
We went whitewater rafting recently. It was amazed/amazing.
I heard something surprised/surprising. Coffee might actually be good for you.
I wasn't able to get tickets to see my favorite band. I was so disappointed/disappointing.
I get really confused/confusing when movie plots jump around.
It's really embarrassed/embarrassing when you forget someone's name.
I'm really excited/exciting about my trip. I'm going to Hong Kong.
We watched a really bored/boring TV show last night. I actually fell asleep.
I get really frustrated/frustrating when I call somewhere and they put me on hold. It's very annoyed/annoying.
frustrated / annoying