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Asia's 1st Class lv.1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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would you like to drink water from a pool
Yes, Full of vitamines
If you had to choose one food to eat what would it be
Black bananas
do you want to sleep in a tree
yes, Only if an owl is there with me
What do you think about eating food off the ground
It's great, It's good for 5 seconds
Do you wish mosquitos could talk?
Yes, I would tell them to bite my students
Can you run as fast as Duncan
no, You wish
would you like to see a monster fall down the stairs
Yes, sounds great
Do you want to wake up in a pigsty
Yes, the pigs will keep you warm
Would you like to build a house for monkeys?
yes, because monkeys are cool
do you want to buy a new sister?
no, Sisters are bad!!!!!
Do you think Pickle Eater will ever have friends
No, He is not nice and he smells like Salmon
How often do you think about trolls
Every minute of the day
Would you like to sell your bike for 7 candies
no, for 8 candies
would you like to be a monster with a hat
Yes, but with out a hat
Would you like to go to china and eat some slugs?
Yes, With potatoes