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English Conversation - Beginner
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How are you?
I'm great, thanks!
Yes, I am.
I sad.
Bad. You?
What day do you prefer?
It doesn't matter.
I can't go out today.
That's a pity.
Me not.
I don't mind.
Do you study?
Do you want to go out with me?
Are you kidding me? I really don't!
Are you kidding? Of course!
Yes, I like.
No, I can. Sorry.
What do you think about my new T-Shirt?
I am not really keen on red.
No, I don't.
I love!
This is my friend Alice.
Look! There is Frank!
Why is he running?
Why does he run?
Why is he run?
Why do he run?
I think, studying is really cool.
Are you kidding me?!
You are nerd!
Yes, is.
I don't like.
Who's calling?
It's Jake.
It's you.
I am at home with Laura.
My phone number.
Are you having a good time?
What do you think?
No, it's boring!
Oh, really?
Yes, it interesting.
Give me a call!
No way!
I don't know.
I am going to school now.
What are you doing?
We are at home.
I watching TV.
She is studying.
I am a student.
I play in a band.
That's fantastic!
I don't really care...
I don't mind it.
I hate Jack.
What do you think about pop music?
I don't mind it.
Yes, I do.
I enjoy playing football.
I hate.
Is that your guitar?
No, it's my sister's
Yes, this is.
No, it is.
Yes, it does.
What is cheaper? Train or coach?
It doesn't matter.
I have no idea.
A return ticket.
The train leaves at 5 o'clock.
How much is the return ticket?
It's twenty pounds
Never mind.
You are welcome!
How far is London from here?
about 12 miles.
A return ticket.
Yes, please!
by train.
Hello. Can I help you?
Yes, please!
I hate you!
I can't help you, sorry.
Yes, you can't.
Do you like animals?
Of course!
Yes, I don't.
Yes, he does
Are you into sports?
No, I can't stand sports!
I play football.
I don't do any sports.
Yes, she is.
Who's that?
That is my brother.
I have no idea.
This is my brother.
These are my brothers?
That's a cool dress!
Are you hitting on me?!
You are stupid.
Nice to meet you.
I am from Italy.
That's interesting.
Wow! Really?
Are you into surfing?
I don't know.
Where are you from?
I'm from Sidney.
I hate you!
Never mind.
And you?
This is Tina.
It's nice to meet you, Tina.
You are fine
I don't know.
How are things?
Not bad.
I am fine.
I am from Canada.