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Better or Worse

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your mom says you can't pick out a toy. At first you're upset and start to argue. Then you take a deep breath and say "okay mom, I'll get one next time". Did that make the situation better or worse?
Your friends mom came to pick him up from your house. She said it was time to go. Your friend said "NO I'm going to keep playing" Did that make the situation better or worse?
Your brother is playing at the park, when mom and dad said it was time to go home for dinner. Your brother said" NO!" Did that make the situation better or worse?
Nick is coloring when his supposed to be doing homework. He asked his mom for a new coloring sheet. She said "no". Nick runs to his room and screams. Did that make the situation better or worse?
While at the ice skating rink Tommy kept falling. He got embarrassed and decided he would never skate ever again. Did that make the situation better or worse?
You are at the store and you really want a toy. Your mom says "not this time, but maybe you can help with some chores and earn on for next time". You say "mom, I don't. That's okay I will just get a toy next time". Better or worse?
The lunch lady told you that they ran out of the option you picked. You were so mad and were about to scream. Instead you paused and took 3 deep breaths. Did you make the situation better or worse?
You have homework because you did not finish at school due to being distracted in class. You do not remember how to do it, so you ask your dad for help. Did you make the situation better or worse?
It is time to do homework, but you are tired and do not want to sit down and work. You ask your mom for a 10 minute break to relax before getting started. Did you make the situation better or worse?
Nick told you that your clothes were ugly. You decided to tell him that you like your clothes and walked away. Did you make the situation better or worse?
You saw someone playing alone on the playground at school. You decide to invite them to join your game. Did you make the situation better or worse?
In art class you partner is using the color that you want to use. You asked them to share but they told you no. So you took the crayon from their hand and broke it in half. Did you make the situation better or worse?
Your friend invited you to play, but you have swim lesson that day. What could you do?
No right or wrong answer. Make a smart guess :)
The teacher just told the class to sit in their seats. Most of your class is still walking around the room. You chose to go to your desk. Did you that make the situation better or worse?
Your mom asked you to clean up after dinner. You decided to just go in your room and play. Did that make the situation better or worse?
Your brother threw something at you. You decided to pick something heavier up and throw it back. Did that make the situation better or worse?