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Animal Intelligence

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______: To expect something to happen.
________ that a sneaky octopus had learned to take advantage of his nighttime privacy.
It turns out
These insects work well because of the mechanism that allows them to learn in a quicker time and then express out knowledge.
These mammals are very good at finding trash. Their sense of smell can help them find lots of things, even glowing objects that have not been in their presence for a long time.
They will use their keen sight and towering reputation in wariness to spot potential prey, whether it be a mouse or bird up on high flying trees over large patches of bushes where predators cannot see as easily.
These rodents can learn many things, like routine tasks. Their intelligence has boosted when they are teaching their young to do the same thing again and again
These birds show the cleverness in learning how to escape from a trap and get out of the danger.
They are able to solve complex puzzles and use many different strategies when problem solving. They also have a very long lifespan (typically around 60 to 70 years), which means that they can accumulate a lot of experience over time.
They swim in groups and have long repertoires of distinct vocalisations. They also show a clear understanding of cause and effect as seen when sound signals carry across large distances
These birds have the ability to learn and understand a lot of things such as colors, tools for example toothbrushes or sponges for cleaning tiny things in their cages.
They are considered to be the most intelligent of all primates.
What reptile is known for the ability to change its body color?
Which animal can stand on its tail?
What animal is known by the nickname "sea cow"?
What’s the only mammal that’s able to fly?
A dog sweats through which part of its body?
Its paws
Many examples show that animals can ___________ complicated problems and transfer knowledge as well.
figure out
While we could claim that this is just _______ memorization, studies have shown that apes can ask and answer questions they have never heard before.
So, without further delay, I'll _________ to professor Shanks.
give the floor
Like humans, can animals be ____________ to help one another?
When some apes look into a mirror for the first time, their reaction is _____________.
We humans show intelligence by putting items into ________ according to color, size, shape, and so on.