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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Antonyms for COMPLIES are obey, abide by, act in accordance. True or false?
True or False. You would be INDIGNANT if someone wrongfully accused you of cheating when you did not.
Arrogant, conceited, smug, and prideful are all synonyms for...
One way we can increase our personal ___________________is to believe in ourselves as being capable human beings.
Being responsible for your thoughts, feeling, and actions means you have ______________________
Does this word work in this sentence? It again!....said Paul to himself, and an involuntary shudder ran down his spine.
Does this word work in this sentence? She will defraud her younger brother by giving him candy for breakfast.
What word will fit here? Be careful of online scammers who try to ________________you by asking for your personal financial information!
What word will make sense? The __________________with which the EMT responded to his patient in distress was admirable.
Which word works? The hostess moved with ________________to attend to the restaurant's best guest's needs.
Which word fits here? The ________________old man went to the soup kitchen for a hot meal.
What word goes here? G'Ma was awash with ________________after seeing all of the places she's once visited with Senior. It brought back so many memories!
Which word makes sense? His _________________increased when he entered the room and the lights would not come on. There were strange noises coming from the other side of the room!
Which word would fit? Once the _______________went into effect, the student could no longer attend that school.
Which word BEST completes this sentence: The cat ______________jumped from the ledge to the ground and managed to safely bypass a porcelain figurine on display!
Does LAPSE correctly complete this sentence? Her LAPSE in judgement cost her the trust of her lifelong friend when she lied to cover up something silly.