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How Many Ways!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many ways can you make yourself happy after a disappointing loss?
have your favorite snack, watch your favorite show, play video games
How many ways can you get yourself to fall asleep if you can't sleep?
read a book for a bit, count sheep, listen to calming music
How many ways can you get a stain out of your favorite shirt?
ask mom to do laundry, soak it in the sink yourself, use some vinegar, wet a papertowel
How many ways can you fix a rip in your jeans at school?
ask your teacher if their are pants to borrow, make a temporary patch, call mom
How many ways can you deal with a flat tire while out on a bike ride by yourself?
text mom/dad, knock on a neighbors door (that you know!!), walk your bike home
How many ways can you deal with forgetting to bring your lunch to school?
call mom/dad, text mom/dad, ask a teacher to call/email, eat school lunch, ask a friend to share their lunch
How many ways can you entertain yourself on a rainy Saturday with no plans?
How many ways can you deal with stepping in dog poo while on your walk?
find a stick to scrape it, see if someone has tissues and throw them away, scrape your shoe on a tree
How many ways can you get your heavy groceries into the house if it's icy and slippery outside?
shovel/scrape the path, pull into the covered garage, sprinkle some salt
How many ways can you stop yourself from talking in class when it's not talk time?
look at what your friends are doing, think of when the next break is, ask yourself if it's think it/say it moment
How many ways can you make a cake if you are missing eggs?
go to the shop, knock on your neighbors door, google a substitute
How many ways can you get your suitcase in the overhead bin if it's too heavy?
ask the person next to you for help, ask the flight attendant, take a few things out so you can lift it