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Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the name of this animal?
It's a seahorse.
What's the name of this animal?
What's the name of this animal?
What's the name of this animal?
It's a lobster.
The Ribbon Eel is _______ (interesting) sea animal.
the most interesting
The axolotl is ________ (cute) sea animal.
the cutest
The box jellyfish is _______ (dangerous) sea animal.
the most dangerous
The starfish is ________ (slow) sea animal.
the slowest
The sailfish is _________ (fast) sea animal.
the fastest
The dolphin is _______ (intelligent) sea animal.
the most intelligent
The capybara is ______ (friendly) animal.
the friendliest
The blobfish is __________ (ugly) sea animal.
the ugliest
The octopus is _______ (interesting) than the clown fish.
more interesting
The clam is ______ (funny) than the dolphin.
The whale is ______ (beautiful) than the manatee.
more beautiful
The eel is ______ (long) as the sea snake.
as long
The butterfly is _______ (colorful) than the eel.
more colorful
The seal isn't ______ (big) as the walrus.
as big
The whale is _______ (heavy) than the walrus.
The shark is __________ (dangerous) than the dolphin.
more dangerous
The whale is _____ (big) than the seal.
The plane is ______ (fast) than the car.
The ant is ______ (small) than the cat.
The seal is _____ (friendly) than the shark.
The whale is ___________ (big) sea creature.
the biggest