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Ancient India

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How known the period of the Gupta Empire?
as ' Golden Age' of India
What does the word "Buddhism" mean?
it imples the devotion to " the Buddha" which means " Enlightened one"
How did most of the beliefs of Hinduism come about?
from the oral traditions
How Hindiusm differs from other religions like Christianity and Islam?
There is no one single founder or one set of beliefs that must be followed.
Which religion is the main religion in India?
What does polytheistic religion mean?
believing in many Gods
Which religion the most largest in India?
How many floors were in Indian houses?
as many as three
What were the houses of the inhabitants of Mohejaro-Daro and Harappa made of?
from sturdy brick
Where located the Indus River?
in Pakistan
How called the oldest civilization in South Asia?
Indian civilization