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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I've been working in this problem for hours and feel like I'm just not ______________.
getting anywhere
I decided not to study and ______________ trouble when it was exam time.
got into
I smiled at her and tried to _______________.
get her attention
I wish I could _______________ to you how important your health is.
get across
I know we need space but I'm not ______________ of my valuable comic book collection.
getting rid of
I'm tired of COVID19. I can't do anything and it's really ________________.
getting me down
I started painting one room but then ________________ and ended up painting the whole house.
got carried away
Preparing for matriculation was very difficult but I managed to ______________ it and passed with distinctions.
get through
More people should _____________ with charities that help improve the area they live in.
get involved
I'm in a hurry so if you have something to say, please _________________.
get straight to the point
My sister is always complaining and it is starting to ________________.
get on my nerves
I _________ that things weren’t going well when my girlfriend stopped calling.
got the feeling
Earlier, I _________ that tonight would be a good night.
got the feeling
I didn’t _________ go to the movies with my friends after all.
get to
I’ve always wanted to be a singer and now, I’ll finally _________ do it
get to
I _________ my ex and am moving on with my life.
got over
My brother _________ trouble for coming home late
got into
I still can’t _________losing my phone. My whole life is in there.
get over
I _________ my fear of heights so now I can enjoy roller coasters.
got over
I’m excited to _________ to Bangkok for the holidays.
get away
I can’t _________ for the weekend. I have to work.
get away