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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They were believed to be the ancestors of the Tagalogs, Bicolanos, Batangueños, Visayans, and other Muslim and Christian groups in Mindanao.
It is the group of people who came from China and arrived in the Philippines in 3000 BCE.
The first group of people who settled in the Philippines according to Beyer.
He is the scientist that supports the Wave Migration Theory.
Henry Otley Beyer
What is the act that serves as a treaty of friendship and alliance ?
Slaves who lived separately from the datu.
Aliping Namamahay
TRUE or FALSE: Bravery was measured by the number of beheaded enemies and his or her involvement in interisland and international tradings.
They were also called Lakan or Gat.
Give one major crime during the pre colonial time.
rape, murder, witchcraft, incest, insult, trespassing, sacrilegious acts
TRUE or FALSE: Women can be datus in Early Filipino Society.
They belonged to the middle class and made up the largest population in the barangay.