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Year 3 Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True/ False: Plants take in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.
Give an example of human activity that causes water pollution,
waste chemicals from factories/ farming, dumping rubbish into the river.
Smokes from factories and vehicles contributes to what type of pollution?
Air pollution
True/ False: Iron weapons were made by melting the iron at high temperature and pouring the melted iron into moulds.
What causes the different seasons on Earth?
The Earth's tilt.
What are some features of an Iron Age hill fort that helped people defend from an attack.
deep ditches, tall wooden walls and one guarded entrance.
Why were Bronze Age cities built near rivers?
water and fish, travelling between places and transporting goods.
Give one example of job during the iron age.
This invention came about after the discovery of the potter's wheel.
Wheels on cart.
This invention was used to grind grains to make flour.
Rotary quern
This invention was used to weave cloth or fabric.
This invention was used to make pottery.
Potters wheel
Why was Iron better than Bronze?
Iron was stronger/ easier to work with/ cheaper as it was easier to find
The roof of an Iron Age house was made of ______________________.
What is the name given to an Iron Age house?
How was bronze created?
By mixing copper and tin.
Metal Ages can be divided into 2 category. What are the 2 category?
Bronze Age and Iron Age
You can use the internet to have a real-time text conversation. This can be done using a smart phone or a tablet.
Instant messages
Allows longer messages, attachments such as Microsoft word files and longer documents to be sent from one computer to another.
Email Messages
What is the meaning of 'endangered'?
An animal that is at risk of becoming extinct.
_____________________ are the only living things on Earth that can make their own food.
Green Plants
What is the meaning of environment?
Everything around us.