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Our Environment
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the three types of pollution?
water, land, and air
Animals don't have something clean to drink. People can't go swimming. Some fish die. What kind of pollution is this?
The ground is covered with trash. Trees are dying. Animals lose their homes. What kind of pollution is this?
Animals have a hard time breathing. Factories make too much smoke. People have to stay inside. What kind of pollution is this?
George Washington Carver is known for what?
helping farmers and the environment, finding many things to make from peanuts and potatoes, and his love of plants
What are the three R's to help our environment?
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
What can you do to help keep our land clean and beautiful?
not litter or clean up litter
Water pollution is harmful for...
fish, animals, and people
What is water pollution?
when water is made unusable for drinking and swimming because of garbage in the water
What things in nature can we use to make shelter?
wood, stones, mud with straw
We can use nature for clothing. True or False
What kind of food could you catch, gather, or grow in your environment?
fruits and vegetables
All environments are the same. True or False
What is an example of a natural resource?
coal, metals, stone, sand, soil, water, air, plants
What is a natural resource?
resources that come from nature
Plants and animals are NOT used for food and clothing. True or False
Land, plants, and animals are all part of our environment? True or False
What is an animal you see in your community?
deer, rabbits, birds, turkeys
What is a plant that you see in your community?
trees, flowers, bushes