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Multiple Meaning Words - 3

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 2 definitions for Fire
1. burning that gives off heat and light 2. To dismiss from a job
1. burning that gives off heat and light 2. To dismiss from a job
Name 2 definitions for fair
1. carnival 2. honest 3. light complexion 4. someone who is beautiful
1. carnival 2. honest 3. light complexion 4. someone who is beautiful
Name 2 definitions for fall
1. to move downward without control 2. a season/autumn
1. to move downward without control 2. a season/autumn
Name 2 definitions for duck
1. an animal with webbed feet and a waddling gait 2. to lower the head quickly to avoid being seen or a blow
1. an animal with webbed feet and a waddling gait 2. to lower the head quickly to avoid being seen or a blow
Name 2 definitions for diamond
1. a shape 2. a precious stone or gem that is colorless
1. a precious stone consisting of a clear and colorless crystalline 2. a figure/shape with four straight sides of equal length forming 3. one of the four suits in a conventional deck of playing card