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Monthly Test 1.4 Week 4-5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can a guide dog help a person who cannot see?
They can help them cross the street.
What do puppies learn when they are training to be a guide dog?
They learn how to help people.
Which word does NOT have the long e sound? a. see b. easy c. sunny d. let
d. let
Which word has the long e sound? a. head b. met c. creep d. help
c. creep
How did the bug pals feel at the end of the story?
They felt happy to see Butterfly.
Why was Caterpillar missing?
Caterpillar turned into Butterfly.
Which word does not have the long i sound? a. right b. tries c. dry d. listen
d. listen
Who are dogs trained to help?
They are trained to help people who cannot ___________.
Where can guide dogs go?
Guide dogs can go to ____________.
How long are guide dogs trained?
They are trained for one year.
How can a puppy become a guide dog?
A puppy must be bright.
What are helping dogs called?
Helping dogs are called guide dogs.
Who did Caterpillar turn into?
Caterpillar turned into Butterfly.
How did the bugs feel when they could not find Caterpillar?
They felt sad.
Who was missing at lunchtime?
Caterpillar was missing at lunchtime.
Who could hop to the top of any plant?
Grasshopper could hop to the top of any plant.
Why did the five bug pals meet?
Five bug pals met to chat and laugh.