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Social Thinking

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When one of your classmates asks a question during a science lesson, you yell, "You don't know THAT?!"
You argue with the other kids during a game of Four Square when they say "You're out!"
You're working on a poster with a group of kids. You don't like the color they've decided to use for the background so you refuse to do any more work. How do the other kids feel?
You're working on a new social studies project with three other classmates. You do most of the talking because you have the most interesting ideas.
The student behind you keeps kicking your chair and it's annoying you. What should you do?
You're playing a group game at recess. You tell the other kids that if they don't play the game according to your rules, they won't be allowed to play. How do the other kids feel?
How many times can you say something funny in class before it becomes annoying to others?
Name two things your mom or dad do even though they don't like doing them.
Name two expected behaviors when you are working in a group.
What is the difference between sharing an idea and being bossy?
Give an example of flexible thinking when a friend wants to play a game you don't want to play.
What does your teacher expect from you if you already know the information she is teaching?
Listen, not interrupt
Is it a good idea or a bad idea to correct your classmates during class?
Bad idea
Name two things kids expect from you when you're working in a group together.
Listen to everyone, participate, do the work, not take over
What are people thinking when you have a big reaction to a little problem?
Confused, feeling uncomfortable
Name 3 things your teacher expects from kids in class.
Will vary, options: not talking while teacher is talking, following directions, kind to others