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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They don't use the car they have.
They don't EVEN use the car they have.
It was a wonderful party. My grandmother was dancing.
It was a wonderful party. My grandmother was EVEN dancing.
Tom was late for an hour but he didn't apologize.
Tom was late for an hour but he didn't EVEN apologize.
The most remote places on Earth are polluted.
The most remote places on Earth are EVEN polluted.
We have a lot of pets at home. We have a lizard. (second)
We have a lot of pets at home. We EVEN have a lizard.
I can’t believe we've left trash in space!
I can’t believe we've EVEN left trash in space!
I can’t do anything in the kitchen, I can't boil an egg. (second sentence)
I can’t do anything in the kitchen, I can't EVEN boil an egg.
My grandmother is 98 and she started to recycle most of her garbage.
My grandmother is 98 and she EVEN started to recycle most of her garbage.
I don’t use plastic at all, I don't buy plastic toys for my children. (second sentence)
I don’t use plastic at all, I don't EVEN buy plastic toys for my children.
The top experts don’t agree on what to do about pollution. (noun)
EVEN the top experts don’t agree on what to do about pollution.
We can't keep our own beaches clean.
We can't EVEN keep our own beaches clean.
There is trash on the most remote islands in the ocean.
There is EVEN trash on the most remote islands in the ocean.
Plastic from a hundred years ago still exists today. (noun)
Even plastic from a hundred years ago still exists today.