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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather eat insects or spoiled food?
Would you rather have a small house in a great location or have a big house far from anything?
Would you rather... Video calls on pajamas or video calls dressed up?
Do you prefer going to the cinema alone to watch a movie or eating in an expensive restaurant?
Do you prefer to receive cash or to receive a present?
Would you rather be trapped in an elevator with your crush or your best friend?
Would you prefer to have the power to Bluetooth music to your brain or to be able to replay your dreams on the TV?
In your million dollar mansion, would you prefer to have an indoor pool or an outdoor pool?
For a first date, Would you prefer to go on a dinner date or a movie date?
Would you prefer to eat your favorite meal for the rest of your life or to never be able to eat your favorite meal again?
Would you rather be completely alone for 5 years or constantly be surrounded by people and never be alone for 5 years?
Would you rather have a pause button in your life or have a rewind button?
Do you prefer to win the lottery or to live twice as long?
Would you prefer to be poor with lots of good friends or rich with no friends?
Do you prefer living in a place where it is always hot or always cold?
Would you rather not be able to read or not be able to speak?