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Changing Verbal Expressions to Algebraic Express ...
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Angelo is x years old. Aris is 5 years more than 1/3 of Angelo's age. Write an algebraic expression to find Aris' age.
Aris's age = 5 + x/3
Write an algebraic expression : the quotient of 7 and x subtracted from the product of 2 and y
2y - 7/x
 Write an algebraic expression the product of 4 and y divided by the difference of v and 5
4y/(v - 5)
Write an algebraic expression : Add u to the product of t and 5
u + 5t
Write an algebraic expression : divide 9 by q, then multiply r
(9/q) r or 9r/q
Aaron bought a bag of 67 sour candies. He ate s of the candies. Write the expression that shows how many sour candies Aaron has now.
67 - s
Find the value of the expression 12 ÷ (h x j) for h = 3, j = 8
1/2 or 0.5
Brad has r more rubber bands than Gabriel. Gabriel has 11 rubber bands. Write the expression that shows how many rubber bands Brad has.
11 + r
Find the value of the expression 14 − h − 5 − j − 1 for h = 6 and j = 1.
Simplify the expression: 2(2 + 3v) =
4 + 6v
Peter had p coins. Then he found 83 more coins in a drawer. How many coins does Peter have now?
p + 83
David has b buttons. He gives away 84 buttons. How many buttons were left ?
b - 84
There were 42 frogs in a pond. f of the frogs hopped away. how many frogs are in the pond now?
42 - f