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Phrasal verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make an example with "go on"
Make an example with "pick up"
Make an example with "come up with"
Make an example with "go back"
Make an example with "find out"
Make an example with "come out"
Make an example with "go out"
Make an example with "point out"
Make an example with "grow up"
Make an example with "come back"
What do you call it when you become adult?
Grow up
What do you call it when you mention or show something, when you want to pay someone's attention to something?
Point out
What do you call it when you don't stay home and choose restaurant/party/pub?
Go out
What do you call it when someone or something appears from a place?
Come out
What do you call it when you get information?
Find out
What do you call it when someone returns to a place? (the speaker isn't in that place)
Go back
What do you call it when someone produces an idea?
Come up with
What do you call it when you return to a place
Come back
What do you call it when someone gets something or someone from a place
Pick up
What do you call it when something is happening or happened?
Go on