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Academic Standards Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many academic hours are devoted to checking homework in the lesson?
Who can you seek support from while planning lessons for external observation?
Academic Manager
What document contains information on student's academic performance and behaviour?
student diary
What are the benefits of project based learning?
to boost creativity, foster collaboration, develop research and presentation skills
How many project presentations are there in an academic year?
How much time is allocated for a break for a 3 academic hour lesson? (with that time added on to the end of the lesson)
5 Minutes
What should a teacher do in case of an emergency and they have to leave their teaching position?
Contact an administrator or senior administrator?
When should the teacher be connected prior to the start of their zoom lesson?
15 minutes
When do you write a full lesson plan?
Before the first lesson, notified observation and tutorials
How many workshops are there in a month?
What do you complete in the last month of the academic year?
Register/Test register/Students’ Placement Recommendation form/The sign-off sheet
How long does a general course last?
9 months
When does a teacher contact parents?
If a student has issues with their behaviour or progress
What time does the latest lesson finish at LL office?
Who would you inform if you got ill?
Senior Administrator
What do you do first when a new student comes to your group?
conduct an icebreaker and add the name of the student to the register after lesson
When is the first time a teacher meets a client?
At a placement test
What do you put on the lesson focus part of the register?
Date/academic hours/pages/unit of the lesson/lesson focuses/homework
In what case may you refuse to have your lesson observed?
You have a test or less than 3 students.
Who can conduct a workshop?
DOS, ADOS, Language Link Teacher
Which of these documents do you fill in after each lesson?
How much extra time is allowed to a student for a missed academic hour?
5 Minutes
How many progress tests are there during the academic year?
What Books are used for 9-12 y.o. students?
Your Space
Name the 3 Components of education quality at Language Link
Communication , Professional Teacher, Successful Lesson