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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You see that the background of your classmate's phone is a picture of their dog. You love dogs and have one at home too.
How would you start a conversation about your shared interest?
You notice that your classmate is wearing a sweatshirt with a character on it from your favorite video game.
How would you start a conversation about your shared interest?
Your friend mentions that they're going to Disneyland next weekend, and you just went to one last weekend.
How would you start a conversation about your shared interest?
You run into your classmate at your favorite band's concert.
How would you start a conversation about your shared interest?
At lunch, you see that your classmate is drinking chocolate milk, which is your favorite drink.
How would you start a conversation about your shared interest?
You see that a friend is wearing a shirt with a logo of your favorite baseball team on it.
How would you start a conversation about your shared interest?
You notice that a classmate is reading a book you really like.
How would you start a conversation about your shared interest?