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The French Revolution

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Define Conscription
Military draft
Define Counter-revolutionary:
Activities aimed against, or counter to, a revolution, organized by supporters of the Old Regime
Define Coup d’etat:
Seizure of power by force; in French, a “stroke of state”
Define Universal Manhood Suffrage
Policy that every adult male could vote, whether he owned property or not
How did Napoleon Bonaparte rise to power?
Napoleon built his popularity as a military leader and staged a coup d’etat against a weak and ineffective Director
How did the Reign of Terror and foreign wars affect the people of France?
All opposition was suppressed, people lived in fear, and all citizens were required to help with the foreign wars
Name three accomplishments of the Republic of Virtue from the three year period when the National Convention met.
Opening new schools ; Establish wage and price controls to help reduce inflation ; Abolished slavery ; Encouraged religious tolerance ; Adopted metric system an
The main groups of the National Convention
Gridirons, Jacobin, Group that had no views
Which was the form of government in France in the 18th century?
Monarchy - Absolutism
What did the 3rd estate want?
rights - participation in the government
Who made up the 1st estate?
The Clergy
Who made up the 2nd estate?
The nobility
What did King Louis decide to call?
The estates general
What happened to King Louis and Marie Antoinette?
Their heads were chopped off
How many votes did each of the estates have?
Who declared themselves the emperor once there was no one running France?
An instrument used for cutting a person’s head off
How many times was Napoleon exiled to a deserted island?
How did the king plan to repay the debt?
He was going to collect more taxes
Which period in France was known as Reign of Terror? Why?
The period of 1793 to 1794 was known as the Reign of Terror because Robespierre followed the policy of severe control and punishment.
What was the most important privilege enjoyed by the first two estates?
The most important privilege enjoyed by the first two estates was the exemption from payment of taxes to the states.
Which document was in the beginning of the French constitution?
The Declaration of the Rights of Man
What was the Estates General?
The Estates General was a political body to which the three estates sent their representatives.
What was the Old Regime?
The term Old Regime is usually used to describe the society and institutions of France before 1789