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Trivia Tuesday

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many of this year's new staff have dogs? (here in Prague with them)
5 (Ashley, Stephanie, Fern, Jacob, Mariia S)
Which staff member's mom works at Riverside?
What is Mackenzie's dog's name?
Name 3 staff kids at the Primary school.
Connor Ojeda, Emilia Ojeda, Adela Muller, Olivia Myers, Owen Myers, Rosie Stine, Levi Corpus, Lukas Dagan, Dori Pickering, and more!
Which teacher used to work in sales?
Which Mariia loves Ireland?
Mariia Flynn
Which two teachers moved to Riverside from the same school elsewhere in Czech?
Freya and Bekah
True or false: Dave McCloy likes skiing.
False I think...he is a snowboarder
Who is married to one of the "bus guy"s?
Who is a talented seamstress?
Name 2 Riverside Canadians.
Mullers, Falks, Daria, probably others...
Who has a niece named after her?
Who carries around the most tea?
True or false: Liza likes to go camping.
Cassie just got a new pet...
Where is Matt from?
What are Graeme's kids' names?
Euan and Màiri
Both Klaras have 2 pets. Which kind do they have?
Klara H - Guinea pigs, Klara K - cats