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Argumentative Essay

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You always need to tell your reader the ____ and ___ of the book so they know what its about and who wrote it
title and author
What should you say before you introduce a quote?
For example, for instance, in the book it says
You essay should be double...
What style and size font should your essay be in?
12 point, Times New Roman
What are the 3 parts to a body paragraph?
Topic sentence, evidence, explanation/reasoning
What are the 3 parts to an introduction?
Summary/Background, Transition, Thesis/Claim
What doe E in C-E-R mean?
What does R mean in C-E-R
What does C mean in C-E-R
How long is a paragraph?
5-6 sentences
Which part of the essay is this... "Imagine an ocean of milk. Would you swim in it?"
the hook
What is the last paragraph in an essay called?
What are these called? however, first, lastly, furthermore
transition words
After you finish your essay, what should you do before turning it in?
Proofread it!
What is a quote?
to repeat exactly what someone else has said or written
After stating a reason to support your claim, what should you do next?
support it with evidence
What does convince mean?
To persuade or cause a person to change their mind.
What is an argumentative essay?
A writing where the author tries to convince a reader to accept their position or opinion.
what is audience?
your reader! who is reading your essay
Why do you use a hook at the beginning of your essay?
To gain the interest of/captivate the reader.
What is a thesis statement?
The last sentence in your introduction -- where you say your claim
The second and third paragraphs are known as the
body paragraphs
What is a claim?
an individual's opinion about a text, topic, event or idea
Can we use new fresh information in a conclusion?
What supporting details can you use to defend your arguments?
evidence, facts, statistics, quotations
What is the structure of an argumentative essay?
Introduction, body part and conclusion