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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many/ How much meat do you need for the barbecue?
How much meat do you need for the barbecue?
There are some/any oranges in the kitchen.
There are some oranges in the kitchen.
There are some oranges in the kitchen.
How much/ How many peppers do you want?
How many peppers do you want?
Correct the mistake: We are only three people, there are too much apples.
We are only three people, there are too many apples.
Correct the mistake: There isn’t any onion rings. Let’s buy some.
There aren't any onion rings. Let’s buy some.
Correct the mistake: How many cheese would you like?
How much cheese would you like?
Correct the mistake: Relax! There are too many biscuits for all of you!
Relax! There are enough biscuits for all of you!
Correct the mistake: This tea isn’t enough sweet.
This tea isn’t sweet enough.
I’d like any / a / an apple.
I’d like an apple.
Would you like some / a / an water?
Would you like some water?
I’d like any / a / an strawberry cheescake.
I’d like a strawberry cheescake.
We haven’t got any / a / an vegetables
We haven’t got any vegetables