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NAT 6 U3 The Digestive System and digestion

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the pancreas do in the digestive system?
secretes pancreatic juice
What does the liver do in the digestive system?
secretes bile
In the small intestine, what does the chyme transform into?
During digestion, what does the stomach do?
The bolus mixes with gastric juices, which turn it into a paste called chyme.
During digestion, what does the mouth do?
The teeth and molars grind the food. The food then mixes with saliva to form a bolus.
What group of nutrients do bananas and oranges belong to?
Group VI
What group of nutrients do carrots and lettuce belong to?
What group of nutrients does milk and yogurt belong to?
Group IV
What group of nutrients does chicken belong to?
Group III
What group of nutrients do bread and pasta belong to?
Group I
What are Group VI nutrients rich in?
mineral salts, fibre and vitamins
What are Group V nutrients rich in?
mineral salts, fibre and vitamins
What are Group IV nutrients rich in?
What are Group III nutrients rich in?
What are Group II nutrients rich in?
What are Group I nutrients rich in?
What is a healthy diet?
a diet that contains the right amount of each type of nutrient
What do we call the food and water a person consumes each day?
What forms do nutrients come in?
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and mineral salts, and water
What are nutrients?
Substances that we obtain from food.