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Grammar Miscellaneous B3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The man to _____ the letter was given is my neighbor.
that / whom
The kids are (continuing right now) playing outside.
still / yet / soon
He went upstairs (a few minutes ago).
soon / yet / just
The diamond was broken.
The money was stolen.
active voice
The hamburgers were burned.
active / passive
I am flying to Buenos Aires.
She said that...
I have a game today.
He said that..
Wh____ will you arrive to the party?
Wh____ rode a bicycle to school?
___________ in the lake before we saw the otters?
swim - past perfect
What ___________ last night?
do - past progressive
She _____ a photo of the castle before she left.
take / past perfect
They were walking late.
past progressive / past perfect
__________ dinner before we go to the movies?
Should I eat / Should eat I
___________ by your house at 6:00?
May I stop / I may stop
My friend, _______ cat was stolen, is very sad.
whom / whose
The boxes ____ were outside are from Amazon.
that / which
If ______ , I get tired.
If it snows,
She _____ come today, but she is not sure.
should / might
You _____ wear a tie for the ceremony.
must / might
antonym of dirty
synonym of wealthy