Edit Game
Unit 5 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use must or can't: It's got 6 legs and wings. (spider)
It can't be a spider
Use must or can't:                            It's got fur and it can fly. (bat)
It must be a bat
Complete with the verbs of senses: This room _______ cold.
Complete the sentence. Use the verbs of senses. It's really stinky. It __________
smells (like+noun/adj)
Can you hear that? It _______ like a bird.
These mulberries ________ delicious. Try some.
It sounds ________. It could be a lion.
dangerous, scary... (adjetive)
Complete the sentence. Use must, may, might, could or can't:                                                          It's got a beak so it ___________
student's answer
List 3 parts of the body of a crocodrile
Spikes, claws and scales
List 3 parts of the body of an eagle
Feathers, wings and beak
List 3 parts of the body of a tasmanian devil
Fangs, fur and whiskers
List 3 parts of the body of a shark
Fins, jaw and tail
All birds have these to cover their bodies and help them fly.
This is a large domestic animal. It looks like a cow, but it’s bigger. It’s got horns and it’s very fierce.
This is an insect which is small and green. It’s got wings and strong legs. It’s harmless.
Fish have _____ and _____ on their bodies
It smells _______. It could be a flower
student's answer
It's got a very long tail so it ______ be a rabbit
It ______ be a swan because it's got a sharp beak and dangerous claws
 It ______ be a spider because it's got eight legs and it lives in a web
must be