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Club Monster

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What club would you like to join?
How do the monsters feel when they sit in the sun?
What do the monsters use to build their clubhouse?
A cardboard box
Make a scary face.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
What happens when the monsters make scary faces?
They scare themselves.
What happens when the monsters join the travel club?
Uzzle gets lost and Bonk gets seasick.
What happens when the monsters join the garden club.
Snag sneezes and Lurk steps on the flowers.
How did the ice cream make the monsters feel?
happy and cool
The monsters made their own club because...
they didn't like the other clubs.
the others cost too much.
they got kicked out of the others.
there were no clubs.
What season of the year was it in the story?