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Plants & Animals

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Label the parts of a flower: Stamen, stigma, pistil
Label the plant: roots, stem, leaves, petals/flower
Explain the process of photosynthesis. Why is this process vital to the survial of plants? What would happen to a plant that was unable to complete the process of photosynthesis?
create food and give off oxygen; without it plants would not have food or energy; plants and animals wouldn't be able to survive
How does photosynthesis help both plants and animals?
provides energy to both plants and animals; plants make food throught the process; the food they mkae gives them energy; when animals consumer the plants the..
Compare and Contrast the ways plants and animals get energy? In what ways are the processes similar and in what ways are they different?
energy from food, plants make their own food, animals cannot make their own food
Butterfly 1 is a viceroy butterfly. Butterfly 2 is a monarch butterfly. The monarch butterfly is a poisonous butterfly. Why would the viceroy butterfly want to mimic the monarch butterfly?
To avoid predators
to attract mates
to protect its offspring
to find food
Which of the following is needed by both plants and animals to survive?
carbon dioxide
Which of the following are ways pollen is transferred between plants?
It is moved by bees and butterflies
it moves to a new plant when an old plant dies
Which of the following is part of plant reproduction?
Which of the following adaptations allows an organism to survive in the unique conditions associated with its environment
Alaskan brown bears hibernate during the winter months
a mimic octopus can change its color and texture
a panther has sharp teeth
elephants have a long trunk
Which of the following is NOT needed for photosynthesis to occur?
carbon dioxide
the process used by plants to make food
the part of the plant that transport water and nutrients to other parts of the plant
makes their own food
the part of a plant with the largest surface area and where photosynthesis mainly takes place
consumes other organisms
The green pigment in plants that absorbs sunlight and helps with photosynthesis
Part of plant reproduction when pollen is transferred from one plant to another
Food gives plants and animals this
The part of the plant that absorbs water and nutrients from the soil
Changes an organism makes in order to survive in its environment