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What changes happen during puberty and adolescen ...

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Write these sentences into the correct boxes. egg released (ovulation), period (menstruation), egg dies if not fertilised, lining starts to thicken, if egg is fertilised it settles into thick lining.
egg released (ovulation), period (menstruation), egg dies if not fertilised, lining starts to thicken, if egg is fertilised it settles into thick lining-.
g) What negative and positive emotional and social changes occur in adolescence?
Negative: fears, doubts and insecurities. Positive: you start to find your identity, take more responsibility and become more independent.
When is ovulation?
between day 11 and 14 of your menstrual cycle
How many eggs do the ovaries release in each menstrual cycle?
one egg per month
What causes an egg to leave the ovaries?
the hormones causes the ovary to release an egg (ovulation) at about day 14
How long is a menstrual cycle?
The average is to have periods every 28 days
Where to the egg cells travel when they are released?
They travel to the falopian tubes.
a) Which part of the male reproductive system produces the sperm cells?
True or false? Correct false ones. j) During puberty, the male reproductive system starts to produce sperm cells. k) The female reproductive system begins to release egg cells from the uterus.
j) true, k) False. From the ovaries
True or false? Correct false ones. h)Some changes happen for both boys and girls such us hormones and grow of hair under the arms in the pubic area. i) Sweat glands and oil glands don’t become active during puberty.
h) true, i) false. They become active
True or false? Correct false ones. f) During puberty, facial hairs begin to grow and voices become deeper for girls. g) During puberty, breasts develop for girls and they also start with the menstrual cycle.
f) for boys, g) true
True or false? Correct false ones. e) Puberty usually starts between the ages of 8 and 13 in girls. In boys, puberty usually starts between the ages of 9 and 15.
True or false? Correct false ones. a)The word ‘puberty’ refers to emotional changes. b) The word ‘adolescence’ describes when you develop from a baby into a child. c) Adolescence begins at about of 8. d) Adolescent is any person between
a) Flase. Physical and emotional changes. b) False. The word is childhood. c) False. it Begins at the age of 10 d) True