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Which systems make up the locomotor system?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write the name of the muscles
Have you written all of them?
Complete: d) Muscles are_________ so they can relax and contract without breaking.
Muscles work in __________; one muscle will ________ and pull a joint one way and the other muscle will contract and pull it the other way.
pairs, contract
Complete: b) Tendons are made of ___________ tissue that connect muscle to your_________.
flexible, bones
Complete the sentences using these words (tendons, muscles, commands). The muscular system follows the brain’s __________ and it is made up of ___________ and ______________.
commands, muscles, tendons
Which organs of the respiratory and circulatory system are inside the rib cage?
Lungs and heart
What is the largest bone in the human body?
The femur bone
Write the names of the skeletal system
Have you written all of them?
Complete these sentences using these words: joints, 200, joints, hard.We have got more than ________ bones. Bones are_______ on the outside and like _____ on the inside. d) _____ connect our bones and allow us to move our skeleton
200, hard, sponges, joints
Complete these sentences using some of these words: locomotor, skeletal, muscular, support, protect. Bones provide shape and ______our bodies. They also _____some organs.
support, protect
Complete these sentences using some of these words: locomotor, skeletal, muscular, support, protect a)We can move thanks to the connection of the ________ and ___________ system. They both form the _____system.
skeletal, muscular, locomotor