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C1.0 Course - Error Correction + Speaking

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When was the last time that you had a lot of time for yourself?
How do you pass the time, when you find yourself in a boring situation (e.g. meeting)?
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
What will you have finished doing by this time tomorrow?
What have you been doing with your free time recently?
Where haven’t you been that you really want to go to?
What things couldn’t you live without?
What I love about Gargano is the kilometers of inspoiled coastline.
What I love about Gargano is the kilometers of *unspoiled* coastline.
During the lockdowns I seized the occasion to learn new skills – now I can bake, play the guitar and speak Portuguese!
During the lockdowns I seized the *opportunity* to learn new skills – now I can bake, play the guitar and speak Portuguese!
Smoking was bound to be stopped in restaurants eventually – I can’t believe it took till 2003.
Smoking was bound to be *banned* in restaurants eventually – I can’t believe it took till 2003.
I hate it when my boyfriend is ill - I have to be at his call and beck for days!
I hate it when my boyfriend is ill - I have to be at his *beck and call* for days!
All my hard work last year resulted on a generous end-of-year bonus.
All my hard work last year resulted *in* a generous end-of-year bonus.
Rarely I go to the gym, it’s too boring for me. I prefer to work out at home.
*Rarely do I go* to the gym, it’s too boring for me. I prefer to work out at home.
This time next week, I’ll have been flying to Bali! I can’t wait to be out of here!
This time next week, *I’ll be flying* to Bali! I can’t wait to be out of here!
I work in my current job since 2017 and I’m really happy here.
*I’ve worked / I’ve been working* in my current job since 2017 and I’m really happy here.