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How do you interact with the world around you?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Read this sentence and write the correct part of the nervous system: spinal cord, brain or nerves. e) It’s like a motorway
spinal cord
Read this sentence and write the correct part of the nervous system: spinal cord, brain or nerves. d) It connects the brain to the nerves
spinal cord
Read this sentence and write the correct part of the nervous system:spinal cord, brain or nerves. c) Some of them receive information when we taste something
Read this sentence and write the correct part of the nervous system:spinal cord, brain or nerves. b) They go from the organs, muscles and skin to the spinal cord.
Read this sentence and write the correct part of the nervous system: spinal cord, brain or nerves. a) When it gets a signal from a part of your body, it sends a message to react.
Classify the following as voluntary and involuntary actions: Coughing, food getting digested, moving a table, kicking a ball, breathing ,flying a kite
Coughing (involuntary), food getting digested (involuntary), moving a table (voluntary) kicking a ball (voluntary), breathing (involuntary),flying a kite(vol)
What are the functions of the nervous system?
Our nervous system control all voluntary and involuntary movements. It also coordinates all the activities functions of our body
You can detect sound with your ears.
You can detect flavors with your mouth.
Sense: You can detect smells with your nose.
Write the name of the sense: You can feel textures with your skin and also detect temperature and pain
Write the name of the sense: you can see with your eyes and detect light.
The muscles or glands respond to the message that the brain sends in different ways. Write one example of one response.
salivary glands produce saliva to help digest food
The muscles or glands respond to the message that the brain sends in different ways. Write one example of one response.
sweat glands produce sweat to cool the body down
The muscles or glands respond to the message that the brain sends in different ways. Write one example of one response.
Muscles contract to move a part of the body
- Step 3: The brain___________ the information, __________it and decides how to _______.
receives, processes, respond
Step 2: The information from the senses travels along the_____________ to the____________.
sensory nerves, brain
- Step 1: Our ______________ tell us what is happening around us. They are part of the ____________ system.
senses, nervous