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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I/prefer to/stay in a 5-star hotel/stay in a hostel.
I´d prefer to stay in a 5-star hotel than stay in a hostel.
I/prefer to/live in Madrid/live in Barcelona.
I´d prefer to live in Madrid than live in Barcelona.
I/rather/be a singer/a songwriter.
I´d rather be a singer than a songwriter.
Tonight/I/rather/stay home/meet my friends.
Tonight, I´d rather stay home than meet my friends.
A lot of teenagers/prefer/Instagram/Facebook.
A lot of teenagers prefer Instagram to Facebook.
My mum/prefer/read books/watch soap operas.
My mum prefers reading books to watching soap operas.
I/prefer/meet my friends/go on social media.
I prefer meeting my friends to going on social media.
I/prefer/watch films at home/go to the cinema.
I prefer watching films at home to going to the cinema.
I/prefer/play basketball/play volleyball.
I prefer playing basketball to playing volleyball.
I/prefer/listen to music/watch TV.
I prefer listening to music to watching TV.
I/prefer/Burger King/Mc Donalds
I prefer Burger King to McDonalds.