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B2.0 Course - Error Correction + Speaking

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where's your favorite place to go to have fun?
Where would you like to live for one year?
What do you like to do during the weekends?
There’s few money to improve the public transport in our region.
There’s *little* money to improve the public transport in our region.
Do you want a lift to the airport? We’ll will driving past it on our way to the cinema.
Do you want a lift to the airport? We’ll *be* driving past it on our way to the cinema.
We had being enjoyed a morning on the beach, when something strange happened.
We had *been enjoying* a morning on the beach, when something strange happened.
Davide had lost his phone – we can’t find it anywhere!
Davide *has* lost his phone – we can’t find it anywhere!
My boss said me that I have to relocate to Germany!
My boss *told* me that I have to relocate to Germany!
If I moved to Milan it be a really different lifestyle to Puglia.
If I moved to Milan it *would* be a really different lifestyle to Puglia.
There’s much noise here! I can’t study.
There’s *too* much noise here! I can’t study.
The Bond film has being filmed in Matera when I visited 2 years ago.
The Bond film *was* being filmed in Matera when I visited 2 years ago.
I am waiting here for 30 minutes! Why didn’t you text or call?
*I’ve been waiting* here for 30 minutes! Why didn’t you text or call?
I enjoy not get up early at the weekends.
I enjoy not *getting* up early at the weekends.
I have three kids so I don’t go out as often I did in the past.
I have three kids so I don’t go out as often *as* I did in the past.
Did you used to get into a lot of trouble when you were a teenager?
Did you *use to* get into a lot of trouble when you were a teenager?