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Past Perfect, Past Simple, and Present Perfect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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.I ____________________ (catch) a cold in school a few days ago and ____________________ (be) ill ever since.
caught, have been
We ____________________ (not have) a party at school for ages.
haven't had/ have not had
The books you ordered ____________________ (just arrive). The delivery service ____________________ (bring) them an hour ago.
have just arrived, brought
How long ____________________ (you - buy) that camera? – About a month. I ____________________ (buy) it because it was on sale just before Christmas.
have you bought, bought
_________________________________ yet? (your business course – start)
Has your business course started
The weather around here ________________ (be) terrible in the last few weeks.
Because she hadn't checked the oil for so long, the car ___________________ (break) down.
The lesson ___________________ (already start) when I ___________________ (arrive).
had already started, arrived
When she came in we all knew where she ___________________. (be)
had been
They never ___________________ (find) where he had hidden the money.
never found
We ___________________ (eat) two Big Macs before we ___________________ (go) home.
had eaten, went
Last week, my parents ________________________ (take) me to my hometown.
Before the police ___________________ (catch) the thief, he ___________________ (steal) two more watches.
caught, had stolen
All the tickets ___________________ (be) sold before the concert ______________ (begin).
had been sold, began
When the boys _________________ (arrive) at the cinema, the film ___________________ (already, start).
arrived, had already started