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Enter the Portal Module 2 Unit 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I / can / NO
I can't fly a kite.
They / can / fast
They can run fast.
My mom / can / good
My mom can take good pictures.
You / can /?
Can you climb a tree?
You / have got / new
Have you got new goggles?
I / can / do /
I can do great tricks.
My friend / have got / NO
My friend hasn't got a helmet.
You / have / favourite / ?
Have you got a favourite painting?
My father / can / the best spaghetti
My father can cook the best spaghetti.
you / can / speak /?
Can you speak Italian?
The other group / have got / class
The other group has got German class.
My classmate / can / speak
My classmate can speak French.
You / can / play / well
You can play the guitar well.
Who / can / play / ?
Who can play the piano?
Jessica / can / play
Jessica can play the drums.
You / can / play / any / ?
Can you play any instruments?
Nancy and Sarah / can / ?
Can Nancy and Sarah skateboard?
My best friend / can
My best friend can rollerblade.
you / can / draw / ?
Can you draw a bird?
My grandma / can't
My grandma can't use a computer.
My cousin / can / very well
My cousin can dance very well.
you / can / well?
Can you sing well?
She / can't
She can't ride a bike.
I / can / well
I can swim well.
Tim and Rob / have got
Tim and Rob have got an idea.
Your best friend / have got / ?
Has your best friend got a game console?
My sister / have got / NO
My sister hasn't got a camera.
You / have got / NO
You haven't got a watch.
Your brother / have got / ?
Has your brother got any comics?
She / have got
She has got headphones.
you / have got / ?
Have you got a laptop?
My mother / have got
My mother has got a bike.
I / have got / NO
I haven't got rollerblades.
This man / have got
This man has got a skateboard.
I / have got
I've got sunglasses.