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7.1 Jacksonian Democracy

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why did industrialization increase after the war of 1812?
Americans could not trade with Britain, so they had to manufacture goods themselves.
Which group of immigrants came to the United States to escape a potato famine?
The Irish
What caused urbanization
Industrialization (building factories)
Why did Catholics immigrate to Maryland in the 17th century?
To escape religious persecution
What religious movement inspired the reform era?
The Second Great Awakening
What Supreme Court Case defined judicial review?
Marbury v. Madison
Which principle of government means each branch of the government has power over another branch?
Checks and Balances
What principle of the constitution means the people have power in the government
popular sovereignty
Which political party was led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison?
democratic republican party
What movement wanted to ban drinking?
Which invention made cotton a cash crop and spread slavery?
The Cotton Gin
What economic system relies on supply and demand, competition, private property and private ownership?
Free Enterprise
Which political party during the Early Republic was supported by bankers in urban areas?
The Federalist Party
Which political party in the early republic was supported by farmers and artisans?
The Democratic-Republican Party
Which reformer fought for women's rights?
Susan B. Anthony
During the Reform Era, which movement fought for suffrage?
Women's Rights
Which era happened when people decided to change their society?
The Reform Era
Which reformer worked with the mentally ill?
Dorothea Dix
Why is the election of 1824 called the corrupt bargain?
Jackson won the popular vote and the electoral vote, but the house of representatives made John Quincy Adams President
After the election of 1824, who had suffrage?
All white men
What is suffrage?
The right to vote