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Ancient Civilisations

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What is the importance of the observatory?
What was the purpose of the 20 fixed structures?
Served as stations to observe specific objects or positions in the night sky
Where we can find the Great observatory?
Jantar MAntar in Jaipur, India
Why were calculations important to our knowledge of the earth and for navigation?
What did Al- Birunu measure and calculate?
Wrote extensive mathematics and science. Wrote a system of measuring and estimating the size of the earth.
What did Al-Biruni write about?
Wrote in detail about India at the time and its people including important social and economic systems.
What was special about the number system of Ibn Sina?
Indian systems of calculation and numeric notation were advanced for the time.
What was Ibn Sina remembered for?
He was a physician, poet, and scientist. Some pharmacies of UAE are named after him.
How many countries are there in South Asia?
Name the countries of South Asia.
Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal
What are the advancements in Science and Math came from early India?
The Idea of Zero, Binary Numbers, The Heliocentric Theory, Smelting of Zinc
Aside from the civilisation mentioned, give 3 another civilisation you know.
How will you differentiate the Harappa and Mohenjo Daro Civilisations?
Choose one civilisation and explain its importance.
Why is it important to know the early civilisations ?
True or False Indus Civilisation is now the present day Pakistan.
What was the first Civilisation in South Asia?
Indus Civilisation