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Present Perfect_Hong Kong

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is the Peak? (Kowloon / Hong Kong Island / New Territories / Lantau Island)
Hong Kong Island
How many times have you eaten big fishballs?
Where is Hong Kong Airport? (Kowloon / Hong Kong Island / New Territories / Lantau Island)
Lantau Island
Shout out "I have already finished my homework! Let's go to Ocean Park!"
Where can you see this animal?
Ocean Park
Shout out "I have never been to Aberdeen! I want to go there!"
What can you see in Hong Kong Wetland Park?
birds/ plants/ crocodiles
Have you ever eaten snake soup?
What can you do in Sai Kung?
go hiking/ eat seafood/ do watersports
Name this place.
Have you ever seen the crocodile Pui Pui?
Name one kind of animals you can see in Ocean Park.
sharks/ dolphins/ fish/ pandas etc
How many times have you been to Ocean Park?
Have you eaten seafood yet?
Name this place.
the Space Museum
Name the place.
the Cultural Centre
Have you ever taken the Peak Tram?
Have you ever eaten Sam Gor?
How many times have you been to Disneyland?
Have you ever been to Hong Kong Wetland Park?