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True or False: Mass divided by volume is the density.
True or False: When finding the mass of a beaker of water you use a graduated cylinder?
False. When finding the mass of a beaker of water you use a balance.
True or False: When finding the volume of an irregular shaped object the last step is to subtract the initial and final water levels?
What is the formula to calculate density?
Mass divided by volume. or D=M/V
What are the three parts of an atom?
Proton, Neutron, Electron
What are the three states of matter?
Solid, Liquid and Gas
What do the particles do when a pot of water is being boiled on the stove?
They spread out.
A candle sitting on the table near a window starts to drip wax on the table. The wax dripping is an example of what phase change?
The change of state that takes place when water vapor in the air forms a cloud is called...
Changing from a liquid to a solid is called...?
How do you find the volume of a cube or rectangular prism?
L x H x W
A set of beads has a mass of 3.2g. It displaces 15 mL of water. What is its density?
D = M/V 3.2/15 = .21 G/ML OR .21 G/CM3
Which has more mass, a brick or a large sponge the same size as the brick?
A brick, because it doesn't have holes in it the way a sponge does. The brick has more mass.
What is the density of a piece of wood that has a mass of 25.0 grams and a volume of 29.4 cm3?
D = M/V 25/29.4 = 0.85 G/CM3
Find the volume of a cube that is 10cm wide.
L x H x W 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000 CM3
Carlos has a chocolate box whose length is 12 cm, height 8 cm, and width 6 cm. What is the volume?
L x H x W 12 x 8 x 6 = 576 CM3
The thing in an experiment that changes as a result of a change in a different variable.
Dependent Variable
The amount of matter in a given volume.
The science tool used to find the mass of an object.
Balance, Triple beam balance, beam balance.
The amount of matter in an object.
The part of the experiment that changes.
Independent Variable
The amount of space matter takes up.
The science tool used to measure the volume of a liquid or an irregular shaped object.
Graduated Cylinder
A measure of the force of gravity on an object.
Anything that has mass and takes up space.