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What is the author's suggestion for digital immigrants to become more adept with technology?
Hire a digital native tutor who is patient and pleasant. This would help the immigrants to learn the technology better
What is the definition of "enthusiastic adopters" among digital immigrants?
Theyembrace technology and have the potential to keep up with digital natives. They're tech-savvy, use digital technologies with ease, and are excited about it
What is the definition of "reluctant adopters" among digital immigrants?
They understand that technology is a part of today's world but feel intimidated by it. They have a basic understanding of technology and use it tentatively.
What is the definition of "avoiders" among digital immigrants?
Thye prefer a low-tech lifestyle and do not see much value in technology. They do not use cell phones, email, social and do not engage with digital technology
What are the three major groups of digital immigrants according to the text?
According to the text, the three major groups of digital immigrants are avoiders, reluctant adopters, and enthusiastic adopters.
What is the relationship between the digital natives theory and the education system?
The educ. system has become unsuitable/not designed to teach DNs. A radical change is needed (content , teaching methods).
How are digital natives different from the previous generations according to the text?
Unique characteristics. They are seen as a new type of learner who requires a different approach to education.
What are the negative characteristics of digital natives?
egative characteristics of digital natives include superficial interests, attention disorders, speech disorders, aggression, and personality disorders.
What are the positive characteristics attributed to digital natives?
ast absorption of information, multitasking, networking, working in teams, greater self-confidence and independency, higher intelligence,
How do digital inmigrants see technology?
They see these technologies as tools that can be used to reach someone or set up a face-to-face meeting.
How do digital natives see technology?
Digital Natives see cell phones, emails, and the Internet as an extension of who they are and use different methods of communication to harness different skills
How does the way of processing information differ between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants?
DNs process information rapidly and access it right away. Digital Immigrants follow a linear and logical progression of learning one topic at a time.
What is the definition of Digital Immigrant?
People who came later in the technology revolution and have a certain "accent" that is apparent to the native speakers.
What is the definition of Digital Native?
It refers to the current generation of students who have grown up immersed in technology and have always had access to the Internet, laptops.
What are the two terms introduced by Marc Prensky in his article "Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants"?
The two terms introduced by Marc Prensky are "Digital Native" and "Digital Immigrant".