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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets chapter  ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you think Hagrid is guilty? Yes or no?
Do you like spiders? Yes or no?
Would you be afraid of Aragog?
Who was killed fifty years ago?
Moaning Myrtle
How do the boys escape?
In the Ford Anglia
What does Aragog tell its children to do?
Eat Harry, Ron, and Fang
What do the spiders think of the real chamber monster?
It is their greatest fear.
Why did Hagrid send Aragog into the Forbidden Forest?
He was thought to be the monster from the Chamber of Secrets
How does Aragog know Hagrid?
Hagrid raised him from an egg.
What is the name of the largest spider?
Who goes with Harry and Ron into the forest?
What does Harry and Ron see in the forest that makes them laugh?
The Ford Anglia
What does Harry see during Herbology class?
What does Lockhart say about the safety of Hogwarts?
It is safe without Hagrid.
What did Hagrid tell Harry and Ron to follow?
The spiders
Where is Hagrid?
Why is Draco bragging?
Lucius got Dumbledore suspended
Who apologizes to Harry?
Ernie Macmillan